Y’all, I’ve been MIA for like the past year and half.
Where have I been?

Well, a lot has gone on over the past couple of years. Life has gotten busy, we’ve had several changes happen and well, it’s just been hectic! So, let’s see, where do I start?
Hmmm. I guess I’ll start with a little back story. We’ve been looking for houses for what seems like FOREVER! I mean, we’ve looked on and off for years, but never found anything that just jumped out at us. So, after perusing house after house after house, we would take a break. I mean, it wasn’t pressing and we were truly okay where we were but I was ready for something new. Something different. And I had been for a long time. But looking to no avail gets tiring, monotonous and just downright frustrating. So, a break here and there is definitely in order!
And then something happened. Something that put the house hunt in high gear. We got pregnant. And the one thing I knew I did NOT want to do was move with a newborn. So, why not move when I’m pregnant?!?!

Smart. Right?
Or maybe I’m just crazy, out of my mind and glutton for punishment.
***Side story. When I was pregnant with Tucker we HAD to redo our bathroom for multiple reasons. So, instead of just stick to that, I decided to go full fledge and just redo like two-thirds of the house. And the reno didn’t start at the beginning of the pregnancy. No, that would have been way too smart. It started during the middle of my second trimester. And the renovations did not finish until the day I went to the hospital. As if choosing tiles, paint finishes, bathroom fixtures and so on isn’t stressful enough, our fridge decided to go out like two days before I went to the hospital. So add fridge hunting to the mix. I mean I’m shocked I didn’t lose my mind. I survived. We all did!
So, back to the present. The house hunt began and really went into high gear. I researched, found a house and we went to view it. This went on and on and on. It didn’t help that it was “buying season” in our town. I’d find an house and sometimes we didn’t even get to view it before it was under contract. The stress was getting real y’all! Very REAL! I kept at it and kept looking. And after a kazillion open houses (okay, maybe not that many but it was A LOT) , a million viewings and two negotiations that went south in a hurry…I found THE ONE.
The hubs was beyond burned out with the search, so I had gone to see this one with just my little man. Then we called Spencer and told him to come and see it. This was it! So he came, he saw, was talked and we made an offer. All of this took place in less than 24 hours. And guess what??? We got it!!!
So, that should be the end of the story, right?

Um, no. As I implied, I can’t do anything the easy way!
So we closed on the house and then had multiple renovations that we wanted to do before we actually moved in. Oh, did I mention We closed on the house at the end of July and I was due mid September?!?! Glutton for punishment, I tell ya!

We worked and we worked and we worked. Bless my sweet parents, they worked and worked and worked. I interviewed contractor after contractor and stayed on top of them all to keep things on track. Being your own general contractor is hard. I mean seriously. I tip my hat to folks that do that for a living and totally have a newfound respect for them.

Any who, mid to late August things were wrapping up on the construction part of things and it was finally moving day.

We got things boxed, loaded and made umpteen trips all while the finishing touches of the reno were taking place. We were moved in…for the most part.

Y’all. Moving is for the birds. Seriously. I mean, moving off to college is nothing. You move a room and that’s it. But a house. Good grief, that’s a different story. And a miserable one at that. I told Spencer THIS is the house where we’re going to be for a long, long, long, long time…if not forever. I LOATHE moving. Seriously.
I mean, I still have boxes that need to be unpacked. Things that need to make there way out of here and so many other things to do. But that will all happen in time.

Moral of this story is. We bought a house. We reno’d it. We moved. We sold our other house. (That’s a story for another day) And we welcomed our sweet baby girl (who’s not a baby anymore, but a full fledged toddler). And, we survived!

So, in a nutshell, that’s what has gone on in my life over the past year and a half! I am soooo excited to be back and I’m so glad to be blogging again! I’m in the process of giving the blog a much needed facelift. I’ve moved from blogger, which has been a great start-up platform for me, to WordPress. I’m still tweaking things, working on the appearance and trying to get things just how I want them. But just like anything, it will get there in time. So please, stay patient with me. In the meantime though, I have been working on recipes and I will be back posting those so very soon!
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