Have you ever been to one of those fancy schmancy restaurants that serve brunch? If so, I’m sure you’ve seen items on the menu such as eggs benedict or croque madames, as well as multiple other items that include poached eggs. There’s just something about poached eggs that turn a regular, everyday meal into a “special” or fancy (feeling) meal. Poached eggs are a simple way to dress up any breakfast or brunch plate. The flavor combinations are endless; use them to top roasted tomatoes, bacon cups, asparagus, various types of salads, or even toast-your options are only limited to your imagination.
Since poached eggs are typically seen in the breakfast and brunch type setting, which aslo means they are typically seen in smaller bistros or a more upper-end restaraunt, they have the reputation of being difficult to make. This mindset about poached eggs is definitely a misconception. The process is fairly simple, utilizing minimal tools. Remember, practice makes perfect and if you don’t nail it the first time then try again. Practice patience and take your time and you too can make a perfect poached egg to top anything your heart desires!
There are as many egg poaching methods as there are types of eggs and egg cooking techniques. I am not a pro at egg poaching, by any means. This method, however, is the method that works best for me!
How to poach an egg
Eggs, very cold
2 Tsp white vinegar
1 Tsp Kosher salt
Large saucepan
Small bowl or ramekin
Directions/how to-
Fill a large saucepan with water until it’s about 2 inches deep. Place the pan over medium heat. Add the vinegar and salt to the water.
*The addition of vinegar to the water helps to tighten the egg.
What a great post!! I've never poached an egg, and quite frankly didn't have a clue what it meant to do so…now I just might have to give it a shot!