The December Challenge of the Daring Bakers was supposed to be a French Yule Log. I was really excited about attempting this challenge since I have never attempted anything like this before. When I first read the challenge I was a little overwhelmed but then I got a little more comfortable with the idea and thought I could possibly accomplish this challenge.
This month’s challenge is brought to us by the adventurous Hilda from Saffron and Blueberry and Marion from Il en Faut Peu Pour Etre Heureux.
They have chosen a French Yule Log by Flore from Florilege Gourmand.
I got every thing ready to start making all the elements of this challenge and started out with my Almond Cake. Everything in that element went well; the mixture of it and then the baking of it. The almond cake is where it all ended; every other element of the log that I attempted didn’t turn out as well as I wanted. Since a lot of the other elements of the Yule Log didn’t turn out I was unable to attempt to even put the yule log together.
To see a completed Yule Log please visit the host of this challenge website at Saffron & Blueberry. Hopefully I will get back in the groove for next month’s challenge.
Well, kudos for even attempting it! I've been reading up on other DB posts and wow… that recipe is certainly one that's complex and time consuming. I don't know if I would have attempted it myself given all the elements involved! Sorry that it didn't come together as well as you hoped but it's great you tried… and that's the important thing to remember!
You get the award for most Daring this month since you gave it a full attempt, even if it did not come out at all. I'm sorry all those elements failed to work for you but I hope you're not discouraged, since the point of the DBs is mainly to be challenged and give it a shot. Have a Happy New Year!
Oh no, I am so sorry this did not work out for you! Well, at least you tried!!! 😉